Tuesday, October 29, 2019

They Think You're Stupid

Republican lawmakers who have spent the past few weeks bellowing and complaining about the impeachment process are making themselves look exceptionally stupid.
But here's the thing: they all know the rules of the House and Senate. They all know how these committees work, open and closed sessions, the impeachment process, etc. They are all well aware of how the House and the various committees do business. They are well aware that all committees have Democratic AND Republican members, and those members are present and able to question witnesses at ALL depositions, open or closed.
So why are they acting like fools and calling it all a sham?
Well Republicans, they're doing it for you. They think you are so stupid that you will believe anything they say. They think you are so stupid that you will take their word that Democrats are evil, sneaky and breaking all the rules. They think you are so stupid that you will follow them everywhere and support their anti-Democratic agenda.
Are you really that stupid, Republican supporters? Your representatives think you are. If you really ARE that stupid, then we're done here. I have zero patience for stupidity and stupid people.
But if you're NOT as stupid as your Republican reps and Senators think you are - then tell them to knock off their idiotic bullshit. Tell them to stop throwing toddler tantrums and do the business of the government that they are now doing everything in their power to obstruct. Tell them to stop pretending they don't understand the rules of the House and Senate. Tell them to stop insisting that their supporters are morons.
They are counting on you being stupid and doing nothing.
Pro tip: Democrats are following the rules. You can't point to a single act by Schiff, Pelosi, or any other Democratic lawmaker and prove that it violates House or Senate rules. It's because the Democrats are checking all the boxes to be CERTAIN they follow every rule and procedure.
What's it going to be, Republicans? Are you going to stay silent and prove that you really are as stupid as they think you are? Or are you going to stop falling for the crap these Republican lawmakers are pulling?
Start acting like informed Americans. Call them out on it and put a stop to their bullshit.

Larry Manch is an author, teacher, guitar player, freelance writer, and columnist. He has written 20 books; all available in paperback on Amazon.com.

He writes about sports for Season Tickets, food and travel on Miles & Meals, and music/guitars on The Backbeat.

Follow @LTM_Author

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