Friday, September 13, 2019

They Have No Credibility

I had yet another interesting conversation with gun fanatics who insisted they were ready to go to war to protect their guns. What they did was prove they have no credibility.
"The entire point of the 2nd amendment is to keep Americans armed so that we can defend ourselves from the government," said one person.
"So, it appears that you're saying that if the government decides to take your guns, you and your fellow gun owners are going to band together and declare war on the U.S. government? Is that correct?" I said.
"Absolutely!" said another person.
"Just curious what the plan is when they come at you with tanks, drones, FAE bombs, etc.?" I said.
"They would have to declare Marshall Law, have all active military search every nook and cranny of every building in the country," she said.
"You said you were ready to declare war. That suggests shooting, fighting, defending yourselves," I said.
"Have no desire to declare war but I do believe we have the right to defend ourselves from the insane, loony left," she said.
I noticed how fired up she was to respond to my first question. Then, when I probed, she backed off of her pseudo-tough guy approach. And for the record, it's 'Martial,' not 'Marshall' Law. I told her I'm a Liberal and I don't want her guns.
It's interesting how her gung-ho lost some steam as she described what amounts to hiding and sneaking around - aka, cowardice, when told to put up or shut up. She was all amped to grab her guns and start shooting up the place, and then, when challenged on it, she decided she would rather hide the guns. If you're going to hide your guns and not fight back, then what the hell are you fighting for? Your right to be a coward? Okay, go for it, tiger.
She backed down, and it's not just her. What that means, of course, is that the maniacal shouting by these people is just plain bullshit. They love to spout off about how tough they are and how willing they are to use deadly force to protect their guns. Clearly, they have no such courage, no principles based on intelligent thought - no credibility. When faced with reality, they're going to slink, cower, and hide. This is the spleen-venting 2A'ers desperately trying to hang onto their idiotic notion that they actually have some firepower that could challenge their so-called 'tyrannical government,' and that they actually have the guts to carry it out.
It was predictable that her comments quickly degenerated into middle-school name calling and insults. Interestingly, the conversation ended there. She did not respond to my last comment. This is typical of conversations with these people - sooner or later, they're going to snap and start the name-calling. I've been called fascist, communist, and racist by gun fanatics who don't get that I don't want their precious guns. (It's funny how these people don't comprehend that no one is going to take their guns. I chalk it up to NRA propaganda, spreading hate, fear, and ignorance. Also amusing is their lack of understanding of what 'fascist,' 'communist,' and 'racist' mean, but that's another story.) That they can't verbally defend their position without resorting to acting like a petulant fifth-grader, is clear and convincing proof that people like her aren't stable enough to own guns.
These people want the rest of us to think they're tough and ready to rumble. They will scream about protecting their guns with force, but when it comes down to it, they're just going to run and hide. It is further proof that such people are just full of hot air and have no credibility.

Larry Manch is an author, teacher, guitar player, freelance writer, and columnist. His books include: 'Twisted Logic: 50 Edgy Flash Fiction Stories', 'The Toughest Hundred Dollars & Other Rock & Roll Stories', 'A Sports Junkie', 'The Avery Appointment', 'Between the Fuzzy Parts', 'Beyond the Fuzzy Parts,' 'Jonathan Stephens Is Just A Kid', 'Jonathan Stephens Is Moving', 'Suspended Logic', 'Descended From Royalty,' and 'Covering the Astros.' His books are available in paperback (some in e-book.)
He writes about sports for Season Tickets, food and travel on Miles & Meals, and music/guitars on The Backbeat.

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